Se va a hacer una reestructuración del Decreto que regula la escalada en Albarracín. El aumento significativo del número de escaladores que frecuentan la zona, está teniendo un gran impacto medioambiental. En una reunión el pasado 16 de Noviembre con el Departamento de Medio Ambiente y con los Forestales se trataron los siguientes puntos.
- Prohibida la escalada en los sectores Sol y Masía. Son propiedad privada y no tenemos permiso para escalar en ellos. El Ayuntamiento de Albarracín está trabajando para que se pueda volver a escalar en dichos sectores, ya que la prohibición no tiene nada que ver con la conservación del entorno. Informaremos a medida que sepamos más cosas.
- Se permite la pernocta en el parking con vehículos (aunque no hay que olvidar que está prohibida), haciendo desaparecer cualquier signo de campamento para la mañana siguiente, y siempre dentro de los espacios de parking.
- Hay dos zonas de parking. El parking de El Cabrerizo, y el parking principal. En este segundo se diferencian 3 zonas. Una a la izquierda de la carretera según llegas de Albarracín, y las dos con techados. En las zonas con techado, hay que aparcar bajo de los techados. Si tu furgoneta no cabe, por favor, aparca en el parking principal sin techados, o en El Cabrerizo. La zona donde últimamente aparca gente, a la izquierda de los primeros techados del parking principal, no es un parking.
- Para acceder a los sectores, sólo podremos hacerlo por los caminos principales, sin salirnos de estos para coger atajos. Estamos deforestando la zona creando caminos nuevos.
- Bloques restringidos. Los bloques que son visibles desde la pista forestal asfaltada de Albarracín a Donarque, y los bloques que están a un radio de 30m alrededor de los abrigos que contienen pinturas rupestres.
- Horarios. No se puede escalar una hora antes de la salida del sol, y una hora después de su puesta. En resumen, cuando no hay luz del sol.
- Minimizar el uso de magnesio y limpiar los bloques después de escalar.
- Prohibido hacer clecas con magnesio. Si quieres una cleca, hazla con esparadrapo y no olvides quitarla cuando termines de escalar.
- Está prohibido llevar perros sueltos, según dicta la Legislación del Paisaje Protegido de los Pinares de Ródeno.
- Prohibido hacer fuego. Los Forestales han visto señales de fuego en distintos techos.
- En la reestructuración del Decreto en el que se regula la escalada en Albarracín hay una propuesta de restricción total en los sectores con restricciones temporales (Península, Psicokiller, Acantilados o Madriles, final de El Valle de la Madera y El Mirador). Por el momento las restricciones son del 10 de Enero al 15 de Agosto.
Es importante tener en cuenta que el cumplimiento de estas normas es el mínimo necesario para que la situación no empeore. Con esto nos jugamos el cierre de otros sectores, o incluso la prohibición total de la escalada en la zona.
La divulgación de esta situación y de la normativa es una tarea que podemos realizar todos. Se trata de transmitir de forma positiva y constructiva las acciones que todos podemos para conservar el entorno y mejorar la imagen de los escaladores.
Respect Albarracín!_Chapter 3 from Bideartean Studio on Vimeo.
English version
Es importante que todos sepamos lo que se puede y lo que no se puede hacer, así podemos informar y dar ejemplo a todos los que veamos. No pone nada sobre el uso que hacemos del campo como cuarto de baño...... ya sabemos todos que tenemos que ser bastante menos guarros!!
It'll make a restructuring of the decree that regulating the climbing Albarracín. The significant increase in the number of climbers who frequent the area, is having a great environmental impact. In a meeting with the Association of Climbers done in last November 16 with the Department of Environment and Forestry, the following points were discussed:
- Unauthorized climbing Sol y Mas sectors. Are privately owned and do not have permission to climb on them. Albarracín City Council is working so wen can return to climb in these sectors, since the ban has nothing to do with conservation. We inform the climbing community as we learn more things about it.
- Are tolerated to stay overnight in the parking lot with vehicles (although we must not forget that it is prohibited), obliterating any sign of camp the next morning, and always within parking spaces.
- There are two parking areas. The parking of the Cabrerizo, and the main car park. In this one are 3 different zones. One to the left of the road as you come from Albarracín, and two with roofs. In areas with roofing, only park strictly above the roof. If your van does not fit, please park in main parking only, or in the Cabrerizo. The area where people park lately, to the left of the first roofed area of the main car park, is NOT parking lot.
- To access to the climbing sectors, we can only follow the main roads & trails, without breaking of these to take shortcuts. We deforested the area creating new paths.
- Boulders restricted. All the boulders that are visible from the paved forest trail to Donarque from Albarracín, and the blocks within a radius of 30m around the shelters containing paintings.
- Schedules.Forbidden to climb an hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. In short, when there is no sunlight.
- Minimize the use of magnesium and absolutely clean the Boulders after climbing.
- Forbidden to make marks with magnesium. If you want to make a mark, do it with tape and do not forget to remove it when you have finished climbing.
- Do not bring stray dogs, as dictated by the legislation of Protected Landscape Pinares of Roden.
- No firing. The Forest Patrol have seen fire traces in many different roofs-boulders.
- The restructuring of the Decree regulating Albarracín climbing is on the way to a total restriction proposed in areas with time restrictions (Peninsula, Psicokiller, Acantilados or Madriles, end of El Valle de la Madera sector and El Mirador). Waiting for a final solution the restrictions are from 10 January to 15 August.
It is important to note that compliance with these standards is the minimum necessary for the situation worse. With this we play the closure of other sectors, or even a total ban on climbing in the area.
The disclosure of this situation and the legislation is a task that can make everyone. Convey a positive and constructive actions that all we can to protect the environment and improve the image of climbers.
Seguramente subiré el finde a albarra. imprimiré la versión en inglés para ponerlo en los coches de los no españoles
ResponderEliminarAnother version for Spanish non-speakers :D
The Decree which regulates the climbing in Albarracín is going to be revise. The number of climbers in this climbing area has lately increased significantly causing a great environmental impact. A meeting with Environmental and Forestry Departments took place on November 16th. In this meeting were discussed the following issues:
- Climbing is forbidden in Sol and Masía sectors. Those sectors are private property and we are not authorized to climb there. Albarracín town council is working on the authorization of those sectors as prohibition is not due to environmental reasons. We will provide incoming information.
- We are allowed to stay overnight inside vehicles and only in park sites (however it is forbidden by law). For that reason, we should not leave any camping sign or item to be seen during the day.
- There are two parking sites: The car park in El Cabrerizo, and the main car park. The second one has three different areas: One on the left side of the road (coming from Albarracín) and two on the right hand side of the road which are provided with roofs. In this area, vehicles must be parked under the roofs. If your vehicle does not fit under the roofs, please, park you vehicle in the main car park without roofs (the one on the left) or in the parking site in El Cabrerizo. The area where people is parking recently, which is on the left side of the roofed park site is not allowed.
- We must gain access to sectors using only the main paths. Do not leave them to make short cuts. We are endangering flora making new paths.
- Restricted boulders: Climbing is forbidden in all boulders visible from asphalted forest trail from Albarracín to Donarque and all boulders located within a 30 m radius around the cave paintings.
- Climbing hours. Climbing is forbidden one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset. That is, without sunlight.
- Minimize the use of chalk and clean boulders after climbing.
- Marks with chalk are forbidden. If you want to mark a hold do it with plaster, and do not forget to remove them when you finish.
- Loosed dogs are forbidden according to Pinares de Rodeno Protected Landscape Directives.
- Lighting fires is forbidden. Rangers have found fire traces beneath some roofs.
- The revision of the Decree which regulates the climbing activity in Albarracín contains a proposal of a total restriction of all sectors which have currently a seasonal restriction (Península, Psicokiller, Acantilados or Madriles, end area of El Valle de la Madera and El Mirador). Restrictions are currently from January 10th to August 15th.
It is very important to bear in mind that the fulfillment of these regulations is the minimum required to avoid a worse situation. We are staking the access to other sectors or even a total prohibition of climbing in the whole area.
Spreading information about the situation and the regulations is a task we all can carry out. It is important to inform people in a positive and constructive way of all actions we can make in order to preserve and improve the situation and the image of the climbing group.
Muchas gracias Alario. Yo llegaré el Viernes por la noche, y estaré en una vw california azul celeste. El Sábado por la mañana estaré repartiendo panfletos, guantes y bolsas de basura, así que nos veremos.
ResponderEliminarGracias de nuevo!
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ResponderEliminarHola. Me gustaría saber si en los bloques de sector parking como el aeroline, papillon, la tortuga, zarzamora y demás de esa zona se pueden escalar o están prohibidos???
ResponderEliminarMuchas gracias por el trabajo que estáis haciendo
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